My Bad Experiences At Pensacola Christian College

Thinking of attending PCC? Think again; a look into the workings of a fundamentalist cult!

By David J. Stewart | August 2022

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

       The following heartbreaking true story is a disturbing testimony by a former mistreated at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) student (her name is Iridia). God has placed a burden upon my heart to speak up for the little guy (people like me and Iridia). PCC has tens of millions of dollars, tens of thousands of cult members and naive supporters, which unfortunately feeds their egos and empowers PCC leaders to further mistreat, ignore and bully anybody whom they don't like. I am sick of the cult abuse at PCC and their haughty attitudes. PCC actually sued one of their own students! These wicked people are thugs, not God-fearing servants of Christ! These cult leaders are BULLIES!!! Something needs to change at PCC...

My Experiences with Pensacola Christian College

Pensacola Christian College is a non-accredited college in Pensacola, Florida. It is owned by Dr. and Mrs. Horton (the doctorate is honorary), who have also made millions by "hiring" student workers (in exchange for giving them less tuition) to produce and send out the ABEKA textbook series.

PCC is based on a fundamentalist "Christian" outlook. Those who are in authority there are extremely legalistic and controlling, to the point that the students are under constant surveillance. Every aspect of college life there is monitored with video cameras, censors, and an extensive "student leadership" (i.e., the students are encouraged to rat on each other) system. Every aspect of student life is controlled: Where you eat, when you sleep, what you wear, where you go to church, even whether you are sick enough to stay away from class. In short, Pensacola Christian College is a cult.

Before I say anything else, I will note that I am not trying, in any way, to put down the Christian faith. I am a born-again Christian myself, and more conservative than average. However, what PCC does is not Christian; it is legalistic and hypocritical.

May I also note that my experiences are only the experiences of one person. Some people have gone to PCC and loved it there; others were so disturbed by the experience that they renounced Christianity altogether. I am a "PCC rebel", somewhere in between.

If there are any questions-and I anticipate many, if any great number of people read of my experiences-you can either e-mail me, or leave a review.

The reason I came to PCC in the first place is that I was sixteen and my stepfather delighted in controlling me with fist, loud voice and drill- sergeant manner, punishing the slightest offenses with numerous bruises, which I regarded as honorable war-wounds. I had after all won one major battle when I had called the police after my father was arrested for counterfeiting, refusing to let my mother the time to destroy the evidence. That little stunt got my dad five years probation, and me the decided disfavor of my male parental unit.

The only way out of this situation was PCC. This was for two reasons: Because of my status as a minor, subject to my parents' authority; and because of my parents, who had visited PCC and gotten the red-carpet treatment reserved only for visitors. My mother was especially impressed by the tight security, little realizing that it had more to do with controlling students than keeping them from harm. My stepfather, who loved to gamble, realized the $5000-a-year tuition, room, and board would cut least into his gambling funds. I was sixteen, almost seventeen-I had skipped the eighth grade-and had no control over where I went to college. I was, after all, a minor.

My first experience with PCC took place when I was about eleven. I was going to a church-school which had just gotten a new principal, Mr. Pierce. I was young, naïve, and at that point deeply disappointed that I, the top student of that class, was not the teacher's favorite (that title belonged to a girl one year older than me and about fifty pounds heavier, who delighted in twisting the arms of younger students, making good use of the fact that she was the preacher's daughter to avoid any sort of reprimand.)

The new vice-principal happened, as I later learned, to be a PCC graduate. He immediately began switching the school over to the ABEKA program, and had I stayed a year longer at that school I would have been part of the new video classes.

A year later, after I had become a Christian, I was attending a Lutheran school. For a short time, my mother permitted me to go to church at the same church which had been a part of the church-school I had attended the year before.
One Sunday night, an ensemble from PCC, probably invited by Mr. Pierce, came to sing for us. I was fascinated-I had never heard anyone sing so well. Afterwards, I picked up every brochure on the table-not because I was seriously considering attending PCC, but because it was my habit to pick up every scrap of paper offered me, in the rather irrational hope that any given piece of paper might hold some important fact which I could not afford not to know. It may have been those very brochures which first introduced my mother to the PCC Machine.

About one year later, that church-school dissolved amidst a great scandal, the nature of which I will not mention, but of which Mr. Pierce and the pastor were the cause and nexus. I did not know about Mr. Pierce's part in the scandal, his connection to PCC, or his invitation to the ensemble, until my mother told me about it just the other day.

I did not hear of PCC again until my high-school years. I was fifteen and in the eleventh grade when my English teacher first mentioned PCC to me. Her son, she said, was attending college there and paying his own way, through the work program. I knew I was going to college, and it was evident that with my parents' income below poverty level, I was going to have to work my way through.

That summer, my mother and stepfather visited PCC in Florida. Unbeknownst to me, and my mother, my stepfather was actually trying to privately settle a $20,000 child support debt-but the effect, nevertheless, was that of getting my gullible mother onto the PCC campus. My mother was impressed, and while I had not seriously considered PCC before, my mother immediately marked it as the college I would attend. After that, I had no choice in the matter.

I did not know then that my teacher had a daughter who had also attended PCC. She had come there for two weeks, as a part of the summer work program, then had decided that she needed some time alone. Not realizing the ramifications of such an act, she went off-campus alone to Barnes & Noble. She was, in some way or other, caught-probably the usual way, by being ratted out. In the Deans' Office, she was asked if she would go off campus alone again. Probably in an effort to be honest (and probably still not realizing the seriousness of her situation), she told the Deans that maybe she would. She was immediately expelled.

I am not blaming on PCC the fact that after having lost the possibility of a college education, this girl immediately lost all motivation to try to better her situation and ended up frequenting bars and hotel rooms. A stint in a reform school did her no good-probably more harm than good. A very ingenious girl, she was the first girl to escape from that reform school and return home. Since then, she has obtained some stability in her life through marriage and a child.

My teacher's son, she later admitted to my mother, also wished to leave PCC but could not because he could not pay for any other college, to which his unaccredited credits would not transfer anyhow.

Still, before I knew it, I was standing in front of Bradley Tower, bags in hand, waving good-bye to my youth pastor (a PCC graduate), who had brought me to PCC.

My first summer, I had a roommate named Rachel. Though she was fully aware of the "goldfish bowl" effect, she was quite happy at PCC. She had a fiancée who traveled with the ensembles. He wrote her over a hundred letters that summer, not counting the seventy or so separate envelopes, each with a letter (of the alphabet) in it, and which could be unscrambled to form the song, "You are My Sunshine". Oh, I knew it was sappy, but it was the first serious relationship I had ever observed, and I was sincerely happy for Rachel.

Tragedy struck Rachel's happiness (admit it, you knew I was going to say this) because of her fiancée's illness. He was manic-depressive, but keeping it under good control with medicine. I will never know if it was due to PCC's aversion to anything psychological, but he decided to stop taking his medicine. Predictably, he went into a manic phase. He went AWOL from his ensemble group and immediately bought two new cars with his credit card. When the College found him a week later, they expelled him. So did Rachael-the engagement was broken the same day. Rachael is still at PCC, not knowing or seeming to care where her ex-boyfriend is. She will graduate next spring with an Elementary Education degree.

That was also the summer I got sick with some sort of bug that ended up landing me in bed for two weeks. Every day, I had to visit the Sports Center (conveniently located across campus) to check into the Clinic. I had been taking penicillin and evidently had an allergic reaction, because soon after I began taking it I woke up unable to breathe well. Even though my roommate had a car, I had to wait at least a half hour for two floor leaders to take me to the emergency room (dressed in proper off-campus attire, nylons included!) Thankfully, this did not endanger my health.

A girl I met in my freshman speech class duplicated my experience in a more dangerous form. She had a heart problem she did not know she had, and one night she began experiencing chest pain. She ended up waiting about 45 minutes for two floor leaders to take her to the emergency room. Once she got there, she would probably have died if they had not injected her with epinephrine. As it was, she returned to class for one day, wearing a portable heart monitor, after which she went home. Such an emergency dictates an immediate trip to the emergency room-forget the protocol.
Besides this girl's story, which I heard firsthand, I have heard several second- or third-hand accounts dealing with the same subject-one, a guy with a broken nose who was told to go to classes, after which he could go to Sacred Heart, another, a girl in Home Ec, who sewed through her thumb and had to get a pass to go get the needle removed. Rumors or not, after my own experience and that of the girl in my Speech class, I don't have much reason to doubt them.
During my second semester at college here, the famous Griffith Tower birth took place. A friend of mine worked at the Clinic, and she told me this (paraphrased):

"This morning, this girl came in, and she was just panicking, crying, she said, 'I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand her screaming, she told me not to tell, but I can't stand her screaming anymore!' It turned out that a freshman girl in Griffith had had a baby. She was probably pregnant when she came here [apparently, to escape a bad home situation]. Miss Baer (a Dean) followed her to the hospital and expelled her. The girl insisted she didn't know she was pregnant; probably she was trying to protect her roommates and suitemates. But they all got shadowed anyway; I think they were expelled." (Shadowed: A procedure during which a student who is in trouble must spend every day with a Floor Leader, sleeping on that person's floor at night and not speaking to anyone but the Floor Leader.)

Now think what would have happened if the Administration cared about this girl. They probably would have been supportive. Since she got pregnant before she came here, they might even have given her a second chance. They might have offered her counseling. They certainly wouldn't have expelled (or shadowed) her roommates and suitemates. And they would never have told the floor leaders to give anyone who talked about the incident fifty demerits. Trust me-it wasn't to keep the rumors from proliferating, which they did anyway. It was mostly to keep people on the outside from knowing.

I could tell you more stories-half of which I have personally witnessed, and the other half of which are probably true, with some embellishments, due to their similarity to events I have seen.

The point is that much of the reason I left PCC is that the Administration, while individually sincere and mostly "nice people", are hedged in by a system which forces them to think first of PCC, always. Individuals are not important to them.

I wrote out all the reasons I want to leave PCC, as well as the reasons I wanted to stay (which was at first my inclination). But once I realized these things, it became plain to me that I could not continue to patronize an institution which stood for things I violently disagreed with. You may disagree with some, most or all of them, but I hope you will hear me out:

  1. When dealing with people, PCC has an infuriating double standard. Guests, reporters and the general public are treated like kings. Staff, students, and anyone the Administration doesn't like is treated like dirt. Once they have you, they can take off the mask.
  2. PCC cares only for the survival and reputation of the organization, rather than focusing--at all--on the needs of the individual student. An example of this is the expulsion (with no offer of counseling) of someone who has made a suicide attempt.
  3. The Campus Church, the official church of PCC and the only church its students can attend, is attached too closely to the administration to function as a New Testament church at all. The Campus Church is akin to having a state church which forces everyone to attend.
  4. PCC refuses to trust its fully adult, Christian students. 24-hour surveillance is the norm. If you were to get into serious trouble and get called to the Dean's Office, be sure that any witnesses to the incident, your roommates, and your friends, have already been called up to the Dean's Office and interrogated. I personally experienced this: When the Deans suspected me of mental illness, all three of my roommates, as well as (I am not sure of this) several of my friends, were called up to the Dean's Office and interrogated before I got there. Chances are they will (they did this to me) ask you the same questions over and over, usually for hours, maybe for the whole day, looking for inconsistencies in your story (that's why they write everything down). Then they'll go back to your friends and ask them the same questions they asked you. Have you ever studied the interrogation methods used by the Communists? Except for the lack of physical force or drugs, the techniques match.
  5. PCC's rules are unfair and hard to follow. Many have no discernible reason for their existence; many others simply serve to make PCC look good or to control PCC students. Few are actual Biblical standards.
  6. PCC, with rules, thought control and constant searches and monitoring, attempts to control every aspect of the student's life-including his or her thoughts. Such an attempt has been successful in many people I have met: They are practicing 1984-esque doublethink, in which they both know the Administration is doing wrong, but believe them right in whatever they do.
  7. Expulsions are all-too-frequent and often on a whim of the administration. About 350 students a semester (this from a very reliable source) is many more than other colleges. Many expulsions are on the grounds of the student "not conforming" to the spirit of PCC. I personally have witnessed three expulsions. With my small social circle, that has much to say about the College's unwillingness to tolerate anything that may tarnish its reputation.
  8. Teachers are rigidly controlled in the way they teach their students. Disagreement with any small doctrine of the College is a sure way to get fired.
  9. PCC is extremely intolerant of those who believe things it does not preach. Opposing viewpoints are squelched as though they were poisonous, even such small matters as thinking you should be allowed to kiss your significant other before you're married.
  10. PCC regularly equates its rules with the law of God, its administration with the messengers of God, its college curriculum with the Word of God, and going on staff as just about the only way to serve God. Such self- deification very nearly forces idol-worship upon anyone who buys into the College's doctrines. Note that I am not saying PCC actually states this outright: It does not. However, more often than not, PCC will say, or imply, something like these statements, at different times, over and over (these are from College Days): Every Christian has a Christian ministry. If you don't have a ministry, you're ignoring God's calling. If you're ignoring God's calling, you're out of the will of God. Attending a Christian college is the only way to prepare yourself for a Christian ministry. If you don't prepare yourself, you'll be ineffective. PCC is a Christian college, in fact, the best Christian college, and besides, probably the only Christian college you can afford. Like a proof in geometry, these three statements combine: If A is true, and B is true, the C must be true: Thus, if you do not attend PCC, you are out of the will of God and cannot minister effectively. This sort of subtle reasoning is used everywhere, so much you can't get away from it. With PCC's complete control over every physical aspect of a student's life, and their insistence on College-controlled church attendance, Bible classes, chapel, and prayer groups, they very effectively can and do practice thought control.
  11. Students' lifestyles are deliberately altered and forced into PCC's squeaky-clean mold. Even when something a student does, wears, or says is completely without reproach (e.g. such things as Rollerblading or wearing camouflage shirts), PCC still tries to force that student into its own image.
  12. Student workers and staff people are treated like dirt. Student workers work for minimum wage with no benefits; staff is just as bad. Firing a student worker or staff person is done on a whim, just like expulsion. Contract workers have it the worst: They have no way of escaping the system. Summer workers are paid $7.50 with free room and board, the only reason for this being that otherwise no students would stay over the summer. Summer workers are often given no option about working 50-55 hours a week. Girls can't even work off campus, forcing them to be employed for minimum wage, even if they are skilled enough to earn $10 an hour or more. Thanks to their lack of "green cards", most International Students are in the same boat.
  13. Privacy at PCC is nonexistent. At any hour of the day or night, you can be checked on by a floor leader, watched as you pass by a dress-checkpoint, or monitored by security guards or video cameras. Your room can be searched, your mail opened, and your phone conversations tapped, all without a search warrant or even a reasonable suspicion of your breaking a rule.
  14. Extra-biblical standards are presented as biblical. PCC has almost a Pharisaical adherence to Baptist tradition, then preaches such things as not drinking at all, going to every church service, or tithing as if they were Biblical principles rather than Baptist tradition. (What the Bible actually says: Drinking is a bad idea; don't get drunk. Don't forsake going to church. Tithing is an Old Testament principle; the New Testament asks for free-will giving.)

Just as in a Communist nation, the people at PCC are not the problem—the system is. Like communism, PCC's system is a nearly undefeatable system that flourishes if it can (and it does) totally control every individual-even those who are in power. That includes the Deans, the floor leaders, the teachers, and probably even President Horton. Once such a system is in place, it will continue under its own power, forcing people through like a machine. In one end as an awestruck freshman, out the other end as a hardened Dean of Men or Women.

The only way to defeat communism, or any other totalitarian system, is when the masses of the people realize the truth about their system. The system cannot survive without the belief of its subjects that it is the right system, the only system, the morally upright system-or, at the very least, their belief that it cannot be defeated. When people begin to think for themselves, such a system will inevitably fall. PCC, probably subconsciously, realizes this. They expel or fire those that do not agree with them. They vehemently criticize any organization that does not agree with them-witness the videotapes made when PCC had that famous battle over textual criticism. I do not know if this is a delusion of grandeur-it may be-but it may well be true that if PCC read this letter, I would be expelled.

Because of these things, I cannot in good conscience patronize this institution.

If any of those who read this have gone to PCC, I hope you are not angry at me for saying these things about your alma mater. You are free to agree or disagree.

I wore only one mask, and that very unsuccessfully, when I was at PCC- that of being content to go to college there. I trust you will not judge me for this, and perhaps it was time I told you my true opinions about this place-that it is as far from Christian as a Christian college can be, just as the Pharisees were as far from true Judaism as they could have been. By going to the extremes of obeying the letter of the law, the PCC system does not take into account the spirit of the law-mercy, love, patience, forgiveness. They have forgotten that they are not the supreme authority on Christian behavior; they do not realize that every individual has a personal responsibility to obey God alone; rather, they say that their authority is God-ordained, so that everyone who does not bow to it is not in obedience to God. In saying that disobedience to the Handbook is sin, they are right. However, they have forgotten that it is also their responsibility to obey God, as much as it is ours to obey those in authority over us. Since I cannot live in rebellion to their rule without being in sin, and cannot live in obedience to a system that does not care about anything but its own supremacy, I have chosen to leave. I am blessed to have that choice, as people under Communist rule do not.

I do not know how I am to pay for any other college but this one; I am afraid that I may not be able to survive outside PCC's safety zone; I do not know if I will be able to be a witness for God in a world that does not know God as so many people here do; but I feel that I have no choice but to leave.

So there you have it, in all its bad-English, worse-composition glory- why left-"gave up", as they've said in countless chapel services.

PLEASE READ ALL 8 CHAPTERS (you have just read chapter one; all BULLIES need to be exposed!)


My Bad Experiences At Campus Church And PCC
(my humble review of the preceding testimony by Iridia)

By David J. Stewart | August 2022

       This book is frighteningly accurate. Pensacola Christian College is a horrible religious cult. At PCC people are sadly expendable, rules are all that matter, and you won't find any love in that terrible place. When I moved from the island of Guam to Pensacola in 2021, I decided to go check out Campus Church at PCC. The church is on PCC's property, a chapel basically for their students to meet for religious purposes. It is not a legitimate church and I wish PCC would stop calling it a "church."

I had the unpleasant experience of meeting their senior pastor, Jeff Redlin, who was abusive toward me from day one, walking away from me when I kindly told him that I was homeless, sleeping in Walmart's parking lot. The hotel cancelled my 30-day reservation without notice, when I notified them that I would be one day late, because United Airlines' plane on Guam had mechanical problems and my flight was delayed. I missed my connecting flight in Honolulu going to Denver, so I was 17 hours late. The hotel cancelled everything, even though I contacted them beforehand to let them know I was still coming, and that they could bill my credit card for the lost day. When I shared this mishap with Pastor Redlin, he cold-heartedly waked away. He couldn't have cared less. That is typical of PCC leadership!

But it got much worse. In my first email to Pastor Redlin, I kindly explained to him that my beloved wife had divorced me against my will 15 years earlier in 2006. I mentioned that after all these years I hoped to find a wife, maybe at Campus Church. He cruelly replied by scolding me for coming to church to find a wife. I was cut to the heart, that a pastor I didn't even know, until a couple days earlier, was taking the liberty to berate and hurt my feelings, making me feel like garbage for simply sharing my hearting soul.

I replied with a reasonable question, asking Pastor Jeff Redlin if I was welcome at Campus Church and PCC as a divorced man, who intends to remarry. He ago cruelly ignored me for 10 days. So I kindly approached him after a Sunday morning church service, while he and his wife were greeting people. I simply had intended to remind him that I was still hoping to hear back from him that week. To my disgust, he had no excuse why he didn't respond, and then told me in front of his wife that if I did find a woman to marry, he wouldn't perform the wedding. What a first-class JERK!!! I never asked Pastor Redlin to perform a wedding, nor would I. I simply asked him if I was welcome at Campus Church.

Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College

I attended Campus Church for the summer of 2021, but finally had had enough of Jeff Redlin's arrogant Pharisaical attitude, his abusive words toward me, his utter lack of respect for another human being, and woeful lack of God's compassion for a hurting sinner. Redlin's associate pastor, Timothy Zacharias is no better, he's just another paid religious employee who doesn't genuinely care about people. The author of this book is exactly right. PCC has some insane rules, and students get expelled over the smallest of offenses (e.g., posting comments on Twitter, being caught in public at a restaurant with the opposite sex if not married, and saluting in public to confederate general R.G. Lee).

Talking about insane rules. Female students at PCC are required to get a note from a licensed doctor if they miss a class due to that time of month (their female period). All students, after a long and tiring day, are required at PCC to attend late night chapel at 11 PM. That is insane! So much for the saying: "Early to bed, early to ruse..." Not at PCC. If you go to PCC, I hope you like surviving on only a few hours of sleep each night! Sadly, these people at PCC are out of touch with reality!

I am not being facetious when I truly say that PCC is a dangerous religious cult. If you ever dare to oppose, question or criticize their pompous PCC leadership on social media, you are FINISHED! I made that mistake in late 2021. I was hurt in my soul and frustrated that Pastor Redlin had horribly mistreated me, and made me feel like garbage by his abusive behavior. I was surviving out of a suitcase at the time in a rundown cheap hotel, while he enjoys a 6-digit outrageous salary at PCC, has a wife, and lives a big paid home. Yet, he treated me like garbage when I told him that I was divorced and lonely, hoping to remarry.

You see, at PCC divorced people are shunned, ostracized and looked down upon. It is an unspoken rule in the PCC camp. They will accept divorced couples who have already remarried; but if you are divorced, single and looking to find a spouse, they will despise and reject you. I know, because they terribly did it to me in 2021, to their utter SHAME at PCC. At PCC there is only God's perfect will, but they do not recognize the Bible truths of God's acceptable and permissive wills. People are sinners, and sinners make bad decisions. Even God gives sinners a second chance (Isaiah 1:18; 1st John 1:9). But not at PCC, there are no second chances.

I live alone, have no friends and as a Christian don't go to bars, nightclubs, et cetera. So I literally begged the pastors of Campus Church, and the leaders at PCC, in 2022 if I could please return to Campus Church. Desperate people do desperate things. In hindsight I never should have even attempted to go back to such a horrible place, but I am glad that I tried, which confirmed all my criticisms against the PCC camp, that they are a loveless bunch of academic types who woefully lack God's love for people.

On June 17th, 2022, I took a couple hours to prepare an apology letter, which I mailed to the horrible pastors of Campus Church. In the letter I explained that I had caught COVID-19 in 2021 and was tired, down and frustrated. I pleaded for their mercy. I promised to removed all my criticisms against them on social media, if they would just give me a second chance to attend Campus Church. Those ungodly pastors totally ignored me. So one month later on July 21st, 2022, I prepared another letter, this time four time longer, begging to come back to Campus Church, because I needed a church family. I promised to remove all my criticisms from social media against all of them, and to never put anything back regardless of what happened when I come back to PCC.

Again, both the hateful leaders at PCC and the incompetent pastors of Campus Church completely ignored me. So on August 2nd, 2022 I had had enough of being ignored, after SIX LONG WEEKS! I lashed out against them on social media again. Only then did Pastor Redlin crawl out of his rat's hole and email me a cruel reply to tell me I was permanently banned from attending Campus Church. My sad true story is but one example of thousands that others PCC victims could share, of the ongoing hatred, lack of mercy, arrogance, irresponsible, unchristian attitudes by the leaders of the PCC camp. They just don't care about people. They love more money! You know, people just want to be loved, but you won't get that in the PCC camp. Even the Holy Bible warns that "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" (2nd Corinthians 3:6b). All of PCC's intense rules are killing their students and church members spiritually, because of the woeful lack of God's unconditional love, no compassion, no mercy and no forgiveness. At PCC they will tell you that they forgive you, but then ban you from returning and never talk to you again—THAT IS NOT GOD'S LOVE NOR FORGIVENESS!!!

Iridia is so right: "Once they have you, they take off the mask." Since I was 54 years old in 2021, and shared with Pastor Redlin that I am a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College (HAC), which I attended between 1985 to 1993 and then graduated, Redlin took the liberty to talk down to me, like I was trash. The PCC camp despises HAC for some reason. I have never despised the PCC camp, until now, after being mistreated firsthand at their stupid cult. God has written "Ichabod" (i.e., "The glory of the Lord is departed," or "Where is the glory?") over the doors at PCC (you have to pass through a security checkpoint to attend Campus Church or PCC). Talk about paranoia! PCC feels like a police state camp!!! PCC is a prisonhouse of religion!!!

One older PCC graduate about my age, whom I went to visit in the hospital in Milton, Florida in 2021, confided to me in her hospital room that PCC students make fun of HAC students. I said nothing about it, since she was in a hospital bed and I didn't want to upset her; but her attitude is all wrong as a Christian. I NEVER once made fun of students of any college. I don't make fun of people, period. We are all created in God's image. The PCC camp are so shallow, immature, babyish and carnally-minded.

Iridia Is Absolutely Correct About PCC

"The point is that much of the reason I left PCC is that the Administration, while individually sincere and mostly 'nice people', are hedged in by a system which forces them to think first of PCC, always. Individuals are not important to them."

Yes, that is exactly my conclusion about PCC and Campus Church leadership (they are essentially one and the same, just legally separated for financial reasons). Campus Church's pastors are PCC alumni and they are all in bed together. Campus Church took in $3,600,000 for the year of 2020-2021. They finished the year with $1,200,000 still in the bank. They then gave $600,000 to PCC. Birds of a feather flock together! As far as I'm concerned, they're all religious con artists.

The PCC camp is notorious for not taking a stand against anything. They refuse to take a stand against corrupt Bible, counterfeit gospels, bad preachers or anything else they might jeopardize their annual revenues. The love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). PCC would never admit it, but Iridia is correct that PCC always comes first. PCC leadership is absolutely cultish and paranoid about defending their public image. That's all they seem to care about at PCC, not individual people. I learned that the hard way. I meant absolutely nothing to Campus Church or PCC.

They wouldn't even take the time to reply to my humble letters in June and July of 2022, in which I begged for their love and mercy just so that I could just attend Campus Church again. They finally refused in August, when they pushed me to criticize them on social media, by cruelly ignoring me for 6 weeks. Who denies someone the right to attend church? PCC cult, that's who! They are BULLIES at PCC! They will expel anybody in a heartbeat (student, guest or church member) who tarnishes or even appears to risk their public image. They have their priorities wrong at PCC.

PCC leaders have a zero-tolerance policy toward everyone below them. I hate to say it, but it's like "offending the gods" at PCC. They sit in judgment upon anyone who dares to offend, critique or oppose them in the slightest manner. They act like they are in the place of almighty God, but even God shows compassion (e.g., John chapter 8 - the woman caught in the act of adultery).

I got in trouble at PCC, because I am a fundamentalist Baptist preacher myself. I earned a bachelor's degree in Pastoral Theology at Hyles-Anderson College, back when Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was alive at at the helm (I miss him). The first thing I noticed at Campus Church is that they preach a wrong view of repentance. Anyone who knows the Bible, and a little Greek, understands that the word "repent" simply means: "a change of mind," nothing less or more. But their official dogma at PCC (taught in their "Foundation's Class" to all new members at Campus Church), is, and I quote: "Repentance is a change of mind which results in a change of behavior."

I first heard that lie on Wednesday July 21st, 2021 while sitting in the audience at Campus Church. They were showing stupid Ken Ham films and Pastor Tim Zacharias made the preceding false doctrinal statement. The next morning on Thursday, July 22nd, 2021, I kindly emailed Pastor Jeff Redlin to confront him. Sadly, Redlin defended their cult heresy and refused to heed THE TRUTH. Truthfully, repentance is simply a change of mind toward God (Acts 20:21), which facilitate believing the Gospel to be saved. The person who BELIEVES has repented, they are one and the same act. Repenting from sins is not taught in the inspired King James Bible. Nor must a born-again believer change their behavior to prove that they are really saved. PCC is preaching dangerous lies, which cause people to worry that they never got saved because of ongoing sin (but we all still sin as saints). PCC is preaching junk theology!

Also, PCC denies that we have an inspired Holy Bible today. This is really bad! If we don't have a perfect inspired Bible today, then we cannot have God's Word! "Inspired" means the words in the Bible are God's Words, not man's words. PCC is bad news! Of course we have an inspired Bible today, and I believe it is the King James Bible.

So when I criticized their doctrine at PCC, they took offense toward me immediately. Pastor Redlin falsely accused me as a Baptist preacher of "finding weaknesses in preachers," but the truth is that I expose wickedness in bad preachers (like Jeff Redlin and Tim Zacharias at PCC). The sad truth is that PCC is so caught up in making more money, and forcing everybody to be loyal to their religious cult; that individual people don't matter, and PCC refuses to contend for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3; Titus 1:9-14). They won't even allow me to attend their cult (and in hindsight I am glad that God is protecting me from being corrupted by PCC), because I am faithfully doing what PCC shamefully won't do, take a STAND against evil, falsehoods and heresies. Well, I am now taking a stand against the rotten and corrupt PCC camp.

Pastor Jack Hyles Is 100% Correct About PCC

“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from his sermon: “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard”

There is NO LOVE at PCC for hurting sinners, people who think for themselves or anybody who doesn't sell their soul to the oppressive PCC cult. What Christless, heartless, mean jerks at PCC! Jesus Christ left the 99 sheep, to go after the one individual lamb who needed His attention. Sadly, PCC thinks the exact opposite of Jesus—as long as they still have the 99 (or 9,999 members), they couldn't care less about hurting people like Iridia or me.

I gave my full name for this review, so PCC and everyone can know that I have nothing to hide. God knows that I don't hate a living soul on earth. I love the folks at PCC, including their leadership. I did everything I could to make peace with them, but the sad truth is that PCC doesn't want to make the peace. They are sinfully holding a grudge against me, because I dared to speak my mind and told them off for being jerks. I am so disgusted with Pensacola Christian College and their corrupt Campus Church!

PCC's Campus Church is really just a big fancy chapel for their thousands of students, and not a soulwinning church that cares about helping people. They just want people's money! The members and students aren't the problem at PCC, the haughty, abusive, money-hungry, indifferent, uncaring, arrogant leaders are the ongoing problem.

PCC still hasn't learned that without God's love, nothing else matters, you're just going to make a bunch more enemies! Hopefully one day PCC's leaders will learn that people just want to be loved, and then just love the hell out of everyone! But I'm not holding my breath. Proverbs 26:12, "Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him." I sincerely don't think PCC's cult leadership will ever change. They just don't give a damn, and until someone starts to care at PCC, nothing will ever improve. Pastor Lee Roberson (1909-2007) was right: "Everything rises and falls on leadership." Thank you for reading. = -)

There Is No Love At Pensacola Christian College And Their Horrible Campus Church

Abuse At Pensacola Christian College CULT

Damnable Heresy At Pensacola Christian College

My Humble Opinion Of 'Campus Church' In Pensacola


Yours Truly. Thank you for reading!

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