Abuse At Pensacola Christian College CULT

By David J. Stewart | October 2022

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

       Young people, please RUN from this place! RUN away from Pensacola Christian College cult! Check out Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, Kentucky instead, where they actually go door-to-door soulwinning in public, contend for the faith, and they still believe that we have an inspired King James Bible today! PCC does not!!!

At PCC you will learn how to play church real good, without actually giving a damn about hurting people in the real world. What does PCC's Campus Church do for anyone other than themselves? NOTHING!!! They took in $3,500,000 in 2020. They finished the 2020 fiscal year with $1,200,000 still in the bank. Yet, when I attended Campus Church in 2021, Pastor Redlin charged everyone $10 who wanted to learn how to more effectively share the Gospel. What a greedy cult! Redlin pays himself a 6-digit salary!!! It is sickening. And yet when I begged to come back to church, they cold-heartedly told me to go elsewhere. PCC's pastors are shady religious salesmen, not men of God.

After being repeatedly mistreated by Jeff Redlin, because he is arrogant and thinks he is better than divorced people like me, I left Campus Church in frustration. I criticized Redlin on social media. I was deeply hurt by his insensitive comments, that he ignored me when I asked for his help, and that he criticized my website ministry. I preach against the ungodly Bob Jones University camp, for preaching the Devil's Lordship Salvation. Instead of PCC complimenting my ministry, they criticized me, falsely accusing me of finding weaknesses in preachers.

No, I am obeying Titus 1:13-14 to "rebuke them sharply" who subvert whole households with damnable false doctrines. SHAME on Jeff Redlin for critiquing my ministry, when he wickedly bids Godspeed to the BJU camp. That includes the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, a cesspool of BJU alumni who praise John MacArthur, preach the lie of Lordship Salvation, and use 24 different Bible perversions! I am doing the right thing to expose them, while PCC plays church with the BJU cult and refuses to rebuke them sharply as I am doing. Sadly, now I have to rebuke the PCC camp as well, for partaking of their evil deeds at Harvest and BJU. 2nd John 1:11, "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."

So be wise young person and look for a much better Bible college elsewhere. The only reason I wanted to go back to Campus Church is because I have friends there still, and no other churches are open on Sunday night in Pensacola. Sadly, Jeff Redlin and Timothy Zacharias are immature pastors, bullies, who couldn't care less about right doctrine, loving people nor showing mercy toward people like me that rub them the wrong way. James 2:1, "My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons." If I were the mayor of Pensacola they'd drop everything at PCC to plead with me to come back to Campus Church. But you say, "You're not the mayor of Pensacola!" Yes, you are correct my friend, which proves my point that PCC's leaders and pastors are ungodly respecters of persons. SHAME on the PCC camp for behaving like a religious cult instead of loving people unconditionally as God's children are commanded to (Luke 6:35).

I am 55 years old. I have four adult children. I wouldn't send my dog to PCC, because of the PCC camp's ungodly sickening arrogant pride, spoiled brat attitudes, and the way that they crap on people they don't like or want. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was so right, one of the greatest forms of injustice is not liking someone! People just want to be loved. ALL LIVES MATTER!!! Sadly, at Campus Church and PCC only SOME LIVES MATTER. Either you love everyone or else you love no one! Even after Judas betrayed Jesus, the dear Savior called Judas: "Friend."

I am still willing to make peace with the PCC camp, and do whatever they require to reconcile, anytime they get right with God and decide to talk with me. I'm not holding my breath. My name is David J. Stewart. Ask them about me. I am a thankful graduate of Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993). I earned my degree in Pastoral Theology. Kindly said, Jeff Redlin ought to be fired as pastor! PCC needs pastors who genuinely love and care about people, not academic types who go through all the motions, but lack God's Holy Spirit power, which is evidenced by a genuine love for all people, not just a select few with big wallets. The hallmark quality of being a Christian, who is right with God, is that you CARE. I care, do you? I love you all unconditionally in Christ our Lord and Savior. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


Thank you for reading. Jesus is precious!!! = -)


Pastor Jeff Redlin does not love people. I begged him 3 times in June, July and August of 2022 if I could please come back to attend Campus Church. I am 55 years old. He and Pastor Tim Zacharias refused. PCC also did nothing, even though I sent them the same letter as a courtesy copy. They are upset because I criticized them on social media, for which I have apologized now three times. Pastor Redlin mistreated me a divorced person. My former wife abandoned me in 2006, but that didn't matter to Pastor Redlin, he just looked down on me (as seems to be the pattern at PCC toward divorced people). I humbly offered 3 times to remove all my criticisms from social media, but in their haughty pride THEY REFUSED.

So, kindly, I will continue to expose the PCC cult that shuns unwanted people. Only religious cults do that, like Mormons do to thousands of people. I told PCC leaders that I would do whatever they require to make peace with them, which is the Christian thing to do, but they cold-heartedly refused. There is no love or compassion at PCC, only selfish loyalty to their own cult. At PCC the system always comes first, INDIVIDUAL people don't matter!

They won't allow me to return to Campus Church. That is so pathetic in heathen. Even with all the religious music that PCC drowns themselves with, they don't walk close enough with God to unconditionally love people (people like me who ruffle their feathers). I offered to stop criticizing them, if they would only let me come back to church. They are so immature, selfish and cultish that there are no second chances at PCC. I wasn't asking to work on staff, but to simply attend their church services for my own edification. They refused.

No good churches meet on Sunday nights in Pensacola where I live. I am looking for a church family to love and hopefully be loved. I told that to Jeff Redlin, but all he cares about is his undeserved 6-digit salary! Sadly, Jeff Redlin totally ignored me for the SIX WEEKS that I tried to make peace with him. Something is wrong with PCC's leadership! They don't love people! The individual human being doesn't matter at PCC or Campus Church!!! My offer still stands. I just want to make peace, but they don't. Shame on them. I won't go away or shut up! People just want to be loved. I am praying for God to humble Pastor Redlin of his stiffnecked arrogance and sinful pride. PCC is so big that they have the big head, puffed up in false humility. They are as the naked, blind and wretched Laodicean church, but they fail to see it (Revelation 3:15-17).

Singing and listening to pretty religious music makes you devoutly religious, not a good Christian! The hallmark quality of Christianity is caring about and loving other people, which is grossly lacking in the PCC camp. There is no love at Campus Church or PCC for me. That is why Samantha Field (a former mistreated and abused PCC student is upset at them because they shunned her away too). They are a bunch of hypocrites at PCC, throwing anybody under the bus whom they dislike. I have never one time sent an unkind email or letter to Jeff Redlin, nor anyone else at PCC. I have always shown their leaders respect, but they don't reciprocate that respect at all, they marginalize people instead.

The fact of the matter is that I have apologized in writing 3 times in 2022 to PCC and Campus Church for offending them. Yet, they refuse to accept it. I offered to meet with them in a meeting at PCC, so we could kindly work things out, since I live in Pensacola. I have been nothing but humble. Still, they adamantly refuse to have anything to do with me. They refuse to allow me to sit in church and be a part of their church family. Only a cult does that!

Philippians 2:3, "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"

PCC leaders are wickedly putting themselves in the place of God, by deciding who matters and who does not, being respecters of persons (James 2:1). I don't have a lot of money to give Campus Church, I survive on medical disability. PCC leaders pay themselves outrageous 6-digit salaries annually. PCC can deny it all they want, but their behavior speaks loudly that they love money far more than they do people! All I am asking is to come back to church? Is that such a bad thing? Yet, the pastors of Campus Church won't let me, and PCC is okay with that type of shameful behavior. I won't shut up for God. Someone needs to fight against the ugly giant Goliath at PCC. They have become too big for their britches, and only God can humble their pride. My daily prayer is for God to avenge me of PCC's cruelty and hateful mistreatment toward me; but moreover, to convict their leaders so that they will repent and have a change of heart. I pray to God for Pastor Jeff Redlin to have a heart for the first time in his life!

Thank you for reading. People just want to be loved!!!


The pastors of Campus Church still haven't learned to forgive people. Pastor Jeff Redlin cruelly told me on August 2, 2022 that I cannot attend Campus Church, because I criticized them on social media. It doesn't matter to them that I apologized 3 times to PCC and Campus Church in June, July and August of 2022; and that I humbly offered to permanently remove all my criticisms, they don't care about individual people who need their love and help. Sadly, they all totally ignored me for SIX WEEKS while I was humbly trying to make peace with them. What kind of so-called "church" refuses to even allow an apologetic hurting divorced human being to attend church? Only a seclusive religious cult does that!!! ...



The cult system comes first at PCC, but individual people do not matter., Read about Samantha Field, one of their former PCC students and how PCC abused her...


I attended PCC's Campus Church for a few months in 2021. I live in the town of Pensacola. Pastor Jeff Redlin was rude, accusatory and abusive toward me as a newcomer to PCC, because I am divorced, and also because of my website ministry that exposes the corrupt Bob Jones University camp for preaching a counterfeit gospel of Lordship Salvation. I was deeply hurt by Pastor Redlin's mistreatment. Although I tried to reconcile with him in 2022, he cruelly refused. It didn't matter that I mailed three separate letters in June, July and August of 2022, begging for their forgiveness and a second chance to simply attend Campus Church, they still cruelly refused. So I sit at home on Sunday nights, because there are no other good churches open on Sunday nights.

I even humbly offered to do whatever they require at Campus Church to reconcile and make peace, so that I can simply come back to church at PCC, but Pastor Jeff Redlin is a cold-hearted person, immature and carnal, who does not have God's love shed abroad in his heart. In an email dated August 2, 2022, Pastor Redlin told me that I am forbidden from attending Campus Church, because I criticized them on social media (even though I gladly offered to remove all my criticisms). So why should I stop criticizing them, when they are just proving to everyone that they are a religious cult that only selectively cares about people? In true Bible Christianity ALL LIVES MATTER! But at PCC, sadly, only SOME LIVES MATTER! Only a cult selectively cares about certain people, but shuns others.

Pastor Redlin and PCC leaders have my mailing address, mobile phone number and email. So anytime they want to reconcile and make peace, I will gladly do so in love. I am posting my protests online against them, to warn and inform everybody I can about what is going on at PCC, because they are not what they appear to be. Behind all the superficial religious music and phony smiles is an oppressive authoritarian culture of abuse toward anyone who dares to think objectively for them self and speak their mind, or dare to question PCC's arrogant cult leaders. They are behaving as a heathen religious cult, instead of as Bible-believing saints should (Ephesians 4;30-32).

Sadly, there is no genuine love at PCC, they merely go through all the formalized motions of playing church three times a week. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) once made this helpful statement:

“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard”

Wow, Dr. Hyles nailed it exactly right! If they truly loved God in the PCC camp, then they would love everybody, including me, because I have been begging PCC's pastors to please forgive me, and simply allow me to attend church again. Is that such a bad thing to ask? I mean, isn't a church supposed to be a hospital for sinners? Not at PCC's Campus Church, it is a museum for spiritual Pharisees, self righteous hypocrites and sinfully proud snobs.

Like Hollywood, they fall all over themselves at PCC with self recognition and self praise, but INDIVIDUAL people like me don't matter because I dared to criticize their leaders. Jesus said that the greatest among any group must be their servant (Matthew 23;11). But at Campus Church, the pastors are as kings instead of servants, demanding that their subordinates cater to and serve them. Instead of caring about me as a hurting human being with health afflictions (I have suffered from stenosis and radiculitis in my neck for 29 years, which I told the pastors of Campus Church as well as PCC leaders), they threw me under the bus instead. My wife divorced me in 2006, which I told PCC's pastors, but they couldn't have cared less. Did I mention that Jeff Redlin as senior pastor at PCC gets paid an outrageous 6-digit salary? They love money, but not people at PCC. I feel sorry for their students, being limited in their spiritual growth by a bunch of yuppie academic types who woefully lack God's compassion for people.

My name is David J. Stewart. I graduated from Hyles-Anderson College in 1993. I have been born-again since age 13 in 1980. Something is VERY WRONG at Pensacola Christian College, when they only selectively care about people. If they ever get right with God they will welcome me back in love, as I have pleaded with them in humility and love to please do so.

Please watch this presentation that I made about PCC, and the issues for which they won't allow me to return to church:

Thank you for reading. I love the folks at PCC and Campus Church, but their leaders are not right with God and something needs to drastically change there. It is my prayer that God will humble them, so that INDIVIDUAL people like me will matter to them. But as of right now, only the cult system comes first, individuals do not matter at PCC. That is sad. God knows my heart in this matter. I just want to make peace, but they couldn't care less. All they want is more money! Please remember dear friend, PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED!!!


Kindly said, Pastor Jeff Redlin emailed me on August 2nd, 2022 to tell me that I am not permitted anymore to attend Campus Church. I did attend Campus Church in 2021 for a few months, but I was new to Pensacola; I was surviving out of a suitcase in a cheap hotel, with no friends, no family or church to attend in Pensacola. Pastor Redlin has all of those blessings, yet he lacked understanding of my burdens, sorrow and loneliness.

I sincerely felt like Pastor Redlin couldn't care less about me as an individual, because Campus Church is so big that they don't need any more people (and I still feel that way because of how Pastor Redlin is mistreating me). I had lived on the island of Guam for 17 years. Pastor Redlin wasn't very welcoming toward me when I first came to Campus Church, and to be honest he deeply hurt my feelings by some unkind things that he said to me.

So I criticized him on social media, for which I have now apologized in writing 3 times. I kindly begged the pastors of Campus Church in June, July and August of 2022 if I can please come back to church. There are no good churches open on Sunday night in Pensacola (at least not that I know of). All I want is to attend church. I am posting this here in hopes that somebody will talk to Pastor Redlin, because he won't even talk to me. I offered (and am still offering) to do whatever Campus Church requires to make peace, but I cannot do it if they refuse to meet me half way.

Pastor Redlin seems to be glad that I am gone, and holding a grudge. I love Pastor Redlin and pray for him daily, that God will work in his heart to start caring about me as a person. I don't like criticizing the PCC camp, but that is a natural response when pastors mistreat people. I just wish we could all be friends and put this matter behind us.


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